Saturday, August 9, 2008

When Things Don't Turn Out As Planned: St. Elmo's Fire By John Parr

When you're young, it's easy to mention what you want to be when you grow up as well as visualize the kind of life you want to live. As you graduate from high school, you should be able to make up your mind or have have a plan B as to what you want to do and what you want to be. Unfortunately for me, though I had a plan, I didn't get much support and later on I gave up on it which is why I find myself in this very dreary situation. One hard lesson that I have learned in life is that if you really want to be something, you have to fight and work hard to make it come true. Right now, I'm trying to make do with what's left to my disposal, but I still believe something will turn up and when I listen to "St. Elmo's Fire aka Man In Motion" by John Parr, it helps remind me that there are other alternatives when you're still alive.

This is one song that every teenager who will graduate from highschool or college would do well as to listen as they march up the stage and get their diploma. It's message is all about what are you are going to do when you grow up and to keep on fighting for your dreams no matter how hard times get. The first thing that you realize when you enter the real world is that nothing gets handed to you like your school allowance. If you want something to happen, you better be ready to do all that it takes to make it happen because one painful thing that you will learn is that spoon-feeding is over and there will be plenty of obstacles to your goal. Some make it while others don't and the rest keep on trying. For those who got knock down and for those who are still struggling, keep on working and don't loose hope.

Right now I feel that I'm at another tight situation where I'm being tempted to make impulsive decisions regarding my life. I have no one but myself to blame to blame and I'm just trying to make do with what' left, especially now that I'm in the crap and they're taking that away too. I can't go back and do things differently and allI can do is to soldier on. Hopefully, I still have some drive and some smarts to make things right. I just hope that if there really is a St. Elmo, the Good Lord would light his fire and show us the right way.

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