Wednesday, August 6, 2008

An Appeal To End War, Poverty And Starvation: Harvest For The World By The Christians/Isley Brothers

Man,things sure are bad right now and I hope it doesn't get any worse. Despite the fact that I feel kinda down about how things are, when I read the newspaper or watch television, I get reminded that there are others out there who are in worst conditions than me. Hunger, poverty,war, you name it, somebody's suffering from it.
While the rich and powerful live in up, it seems the rest of us have to go without and bear the hardships that plaque the world. Right now I find myself asking if this will ever end and wait in futilitiy for an answer. The hard times that we are all experiencing right now remind me of the song "Harvest For The World" by The Isley Brothers and was later played by the band The Christians.

Originally made by the Isley Brothers and later in the 80's by The Christians, this song often reminds us of the various problems affecting people, especially the poor who ironically are the ones who have to give more while the rich grow fat at their expense and right now it's getting worse. It also speaks of the pain of war and the damage it inflicts on those who fight it. The tragedy of it is that those who gave their lives up in battle are the ones who are forgotten when the conflict ends. Nevertheless it also offers a message of hope that one day these problems will be solved on a long term. Both bands were really good in performing this song that I decided to post both videos on this entry.

Sometimes I get too caught up in my predicament that I forget there are worst problems out there than mine. I do hope things get better as I try outlast this personal storm. I guess I'm being too wrapped in myself and need to reflect more on what to do. I just pray that things don't get worse. I know that life's not fair, just don't make it anymore unfair than it already is.

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