Thursday, August 28, 2008

How Much Do You Want It: Stand In The Fire By Mickey Thomas

Sometimes I feel that I've made so many mistakes in my life, I don't know if I have anything to say, let alone the right to say it. I'm at that point where I'm begining to envy the young because they have their whole life ahead of them whereas I'm trying to make do with what's left as opportunties become more and more scarce because I've failed to achieve my hopes and dreams in life. As I've mentioned in the past when you give up on a dream, even if you get over it, the fact that you didn't make come true will haunt you for the rest of your days. This is even more painful for those who were so passionate about their dreams only to have it shattered by cruel twist of fate. When I hear the song, "Stand In The Fire" by Mickey Thomas, I painfully remember the fact that if you really want your dreams to come to life, you have to be ready to fight and sacrifice to make it come true.

I remember this song during my third year in highschool which ironically was the time when things were on the rise only to have everything come tumbling down. The massage of this song is quite simple: Are you willing to gamble it all for your dream. Dreams and Ambitions are easy to conjure up but keeping focus and overcoming obstacles to making them real is quite a different matter. It's just about achieving your dreams that's at stake, but it's also a test of a person's determination and conviction. When I think of my failure to achieve my dreams, I feel so empty and feel that I'm lacking in courage and conviction because of I didn't achieve my ambitions in life.

Thinking about that when you're at the crossroads of your life really puts alot of emotional weight on you. I hear my co-worker's voice when she advised her students not to waste your lives because you're only young once and you should live your life wisely. Man, I wish I had a little more conviction and courage cause if I had, things would have been different. Well time is now passing me by and what's done is done. Despite all that, there's no use to cry over what didn't come true, so I have just have to make do with what I still have and hopefully find something meaningful while there's time because while there's still life, still hope.

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