Thursday, August 14, 2008

In My Hour In Need: Let It Be By The Beatles

Even though the dark period is at a close I still find no peace because I feel that I'm just going to repeat the same cycle all over again. The mere thought of that really tears me apart and fills me with dread. There was a time when my faith was shattered due to the fact that nothing good was happening and trials just kept on coming. When I came to terms with my faith again, I felt the dark clouds cleared and after that and I made a point to pray every night before I retire. Whenever I feel that the troubles just keep mounting, I always remember the song "Let It Be" by The Beatles to remind me to keep the faith during troubled times.

If there was ever a song that can also be a prayer, this would probably be it. It's like praying to the Blessed Virgin during our time of need. Even when things get worse, She is still by our side. No matter what happens this song tells us to stay strong and be brave in times of hardship. It's cool rock and faith rolled into one. Whatever happens, She will never abandon us and this song really reminds us of that.

I have to admit at the time that I lost my faith, it didn't do me any good. Later on, I started to talk to the Good Lord again and things improved. Although things are a bit better, I want to improve my life not just for myself, but for the people around me. A lot of times I pray not go through that horrid experience again but whatever the answer, I hope She'll be with me. Lord God Almighty and Mother Mary, have patience with this bumbling fool that one day he may finally find his place in this world and like a seed, may he finally take root.

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