Saturday, May 18, 2013

Still Shocked By The Weekend: Shocked By Martha Davis And The Motels

Well the weekend has finally arrived.  The fact that I opened my eyes at around 9:00 am is proof of that since I usually get a heck of a lot earlier during week days. Still, even though it's a rest day it still does not give me any comfort.  This is because I'm still shell-shocked from what happened this past week.  How I feel is bests summed up in the song "Shocked" by Martha Davis And The Motels.

I thought things were going to go smoothly as planned and I looked forward to seeing a great victory.  Those hopes were dashed when I received a phone call late in the evening informing me that things have taken a bad turn.  I was so full of anxiety that I couldn't sleep and had left the house very early.  When I arrived, my deepest fears had come true.  This was confirmed late in the day and we all went home with heavy hearts.

Right now I face an uncertain future as the situation had gone from bad to worse.  Everything is hanging in the air as we try to make sense of the chaos that blew up on our faces.  In light of this development, I am considering my options on what I must do and will start taking the necessary steps to do it.  It's a rough year getting rougher.  Getting shocked doesn't help either.

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