Monday, May 20, 2013

Can't Be Sure About Anything Anymore: Can't Be Sure By The Sundays

I arrived early at work as usual and punched in the clock as proof that I'm here already.  After signing the log book, I sat on my desk and the questions start flooding in my head.  The routine has been shattered and the changing of the guard has left an air of uncertainty in this place.  It's a sad reminder that nothing is certain in this world.  Listening to the song "Can't Be Sure By The Sundays"  reinforces that fact.

Last week, the news hit us so hard, we just stared at each other because we were so shocked at how things turned out.  Those who could speak, kept asking why did this happen.  All I know is I am facing an uncertain future and I am not alone.  None of us are confident of our future at the moment.  Everything is up in the air with our fates in the balance.

As I've blogged before, I am just preparing for the worse.  Getting my papers ready and keeping my fingers crossed while doing so.  The last three years were a blast and I really like the guys I was working with.  I just hope we all make it through.  No matter how uncertain things are, I'll do my best to make through these hard times.

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