Saturday, June 23, 2012

Things You Don't Expect: Anticipation By Carly Simon

Life they say is full of surprises.  Unfortunately, lately it's been full of unpleasant surprises.  Just when you think the year will be good, something happens that turns the worry switch on.  It's always something that you never expect.  On wish that you anticipated that something bad will happen, the song "Anticipation" by Carly Simon comes to mind.

Every year, I pray that things will be better.  I ask this not only for myself but for every member of my family as well. Sadly, things happen in life that you don't anticipate.  Out of the blue something happens and whatever peace that I feel is shatter to pieces.  The worst about it is that you never see it coming.  When it does, it sure takes the smile away from people's faces.

Instead of peace, I find myself praying for a solution.  I've always accepted the bad that happens in life but this is getting too much.  If this is a joke, it definitely is not funny at all.  Too many bad things are happening and that can drive a guy nuts as well as paranoid.  Instead of having peace of mind, you get that paranoid feeling of having the need to anticipate every situation that can happen. That's not cool at all!

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