Friday, June 29, 2012

Outlasting The Storm: Ridin The Storm Out By Reo Speedwagon

A lot of times I remind myself that tough times don't last but tough people do.  It helps keep me going even when life keeps dealing me a bad hand.  For us, life is full of ups and downs and when the down times come, it sure shake your world up and destroy everything that you worked hard to build.  However, despite how hard things get, never bow down and keep on going.  A good song that reminds to keep on going even when the storm is bearing down on me is Reo Speedwagon's :Riding  The Storm Out".

I've had my share of bad times and there was more bad times than good.  There were times when the troubles just came one after another.  Still, I've gone through worse before and I weathered the storm and every ugly thing it threw at me.  It wasn't easy but I kept my head above water till the storm had pass and sure enough I made through.  I wasn't much of fighter but I was not willing to let defeat me.

This doesn't mean that there won't be another and sure enough life often sends me one storm after another.  I guess it's life's way of toughening me up.  Still, it's just another inconvenience that you need to deal with.  I'm not brave enough to say this but if you make it out of the storm, you come out a tougher and hopefully a smarter person.  So when that storm comes, don't be afraid and ride out as best as you can till it's over.

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