Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cold War Song: Russians By Sting

With all the threats of terrorism and bombings, security and safety hang heavy on the minds of individuals around the world. When I see news about bombings by terrorists at some part of the country, it's a sad reminder of the threat everyone is facing from terrorism. I remember when I was growing up, we had to worry of about the threat of communism which was the main theme of the Cold War which pitted Communist counntries led by the Soviet Union against Democratic Countries led by the U.S. where the world was constantly in danger of going into WWIII with superpowers using nuclear weapons leading to the end of the world. One song that pleaded for a stop to this this conflict was the song "Russians" by Sting.

This was one of my favorite songs when I was in high school because it focosed on the Cold War threat between the two superpowers of the time and the destruction that could follow if the two went to war. I think Sting was trying to say that the Russians are still people like the Americans who love and care for their own and even though they make a big show of their armaments and military might, they still wouldn't dare to flirt with nuclear war because they too know what the consequences will be. I missed his live performance of this song at the Grammys and I'm glad that it was posted here at youtube.

Today we face threats of terrorism from Muslim extremists most notably Al Quieda who have already started a large string of bombing sprees around the world since 9/11. I hope that these people see that are other ways to present your views in the world aside from the use of terror and violence because even if they have a point, they only the innocent. When the Cold War ended with the collapse of Communism, I had hope that whenever conflict would arise, we would be able to reason things out, but alas, it was not to be. Be that as it may, I hope that there would be a peaceful solution to this present conflict. Both sides love their children and they should think about whenever they plan to attack the other.

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