Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Follow That Which Makes You Happy: Follow Your Bliss

A lot of people I see who are happy are usually those who are fulfilled.  Why are they fulfilled?  Because they stayed true to their dreams.  No matter how silly or how crazy it seems to other people, they didn't care.  What was important is that they are happy that they followed their dreams and now they're reaping the benefits from doing so.  I feel like listening to the song "Follow Your Bliss" by the B52s when I think of such people.

People are different and what what one man's dream may be another man's folly.  I have seen people leave high-paying careers to start something ludicrous.  Yet despite the jeers and the criticisms thrown at them, they don't care.  Because they finally found that which makes them happy.  If you have that nothing else matters.

Different strokes for different folks they say.  If you don't like it, leave it while you still can.  I've seen people who lived in regret because they weren't honest with themselves.  So don't lie to yourself and regret it later Follow your bliss and it will make you happy in the end.

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