Monday, August 22, 2011

Really Bad Dreams: Had A Dream By Roger Hodgson

Having great dream can sure make you start the right. You feel good because of the positive effect that the dream had on you. However, when you have a nightmare, it's a different story, especially when it either ends on a bad note and leaves a deep impression on you. You know when a dream is bad when you wake up screaming with sweat or you just open your eyes with a bad feeling. Having a bad dream reminds me of Roger Hodgson's song "Had A Dream".

This is one of those rare songs that seldom gets played which is an injustice. Anyway, when comes to bad dreams, I had my share of them. One was when I was in a room and it suddenly grew dark and I feel the darkness swallowing me which caused me to wake up screaming in a cold sweat The other was when I couldn't see what was going on but though I woke up calm, I was troubled. To this day, those two dreams really haunted me.

As I've blogged before, the thing that matters to me most the happiness and safety of my family and when I have nightmares like these, I bothers me to no end. We've been through a lot in the last couple of years and the last thing we need is more crap. I'm not superstitious but things like these enter one's thoughts in the night, it's hard to shake off. I just hope that nothing bad happens anymore. Bad dreams are bad enough and I don't want them to be real.

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