Ever since the terror attacks of 9/11, I've always been very wary of traveling. Apart from planes, crashing, buses colliding and ships sinking, stories about tourists getting attacked, robbed and held up for ransom, gives me second thoughts about packing my bags. Still, that shouldn't deter me or anyone else to go out of town to see what life's like on the other side. Just remember to take measures to protect yourself when traveling (especially when going abroad). Keeping that in mind, reminds me of the song "Down At The Border" by The Little River Band.
I guess this paranoia stems from watching movies like "Hostel", "Midnight Express", "Return To Paradise" as well as documentaries of foreigners getting locked up abroad or falling victim to country's criminal elements. Based on what I've read on other websites some of the ways to ensure a safe trip are use credits cards rather than cash when conducting transactions abroad; avoid carrying jewelry or anything that may attract the attention of thieves; always carry important papers with you as well as the contact number of your embassy when you are traveling; avoid associating with strangers while on a trip; avoid trouble spots in the city; keep copies of your documents on hand if the need arises and avoid any untoward incidents such as arguments that could blow up into a dangerous situation. When traveling with family, make sure that children stay close to you and give them important phone numbers of the hotel or relatives living in the area to make sure that they know how to contact if the need arises. There are several other tips you can try from other websites which can also be helpful. It might be going overboard but it's better than regretting it later.
I hate it when criminals pray on tourist who want to appreciate the beauty of a foreign land. It not only causes damages to human life but also kills a country's chances to earn from tourism. Guys like that give their country a bad name. So for those of you are about to travel have fun but be careful. You didn't travel all they way to where you're going just to get victimized so don't let your guard down.
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