Saturday, May 15, 2010

Another Song About Being Excited About A Gimmick: Time Out Of Mind By Steely Dan

As the days past, summer vacation is starting to draw to a close. Still despite the fact that there's barely a month left, a lot of kids only think about what they're going to do for the day (as well as the night). With time running out, they plan to make the most of it. As I've mentioned in past entries, they're probably going to gimmicks where they come home out of their heads. Remembering those wild parties where you are excited to go knowing that all restraints are off reminds me of the song "Time Out Of Mind" by Steely Dan.

This was one of my favorite Steely Dan songs, especially when I know the gimmick that I'm going to is going to be a blast. When the drinks are cold and all the guys are around, that alone is enough to get you to want to go there and party. Once you get there, nothing else matters. In its own way, everything turns magical as you start partying and all worries are banished from your thoughts. A good can do that to a troubled mind especially when everyone there is his best buds.

Still, there you're priorities are about having a good time, preparation for school and other obligations are starting to call. Tine to sober up and put your priorities in order. I'm not saying that play time's over, but you attend to more important matters. Still that doesn't mean that it's the end of good times; it's just a matter of time management. I have to admit though, there are times when I still get excited about going to a good party where time stops and nothing else matters in my mind.

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