Thursday, August 27, 2009

Don't Rely On Others Too Much: Wonderwall By Oasis

I guess this entry is a sort of a self-reminder for me. Compared to my brothers, I was a slow learner. Whenever, I see them breeze through learning a certain skill or ability, it took a lot longer to learn it. I wasn't as a quick learner when I was in school and had to be tutored most of the time. One bad habit that a person can get whenever he or she has some to teach him or her is that reliance on the teacher tends to grow and the ability to learn on one's own diminishes. That was one lesson that I learned the hard way. When I hear the song "Wonderwall" by Oasis, that feeling of dependence on others creeps up on me and I try hard to shake it.

I'm not saying that this what this song is all about. It's just that whenever I hear the part of saying, one harsh lesson comes to mind: say yourself cause no one will do it for you. It took me a while to learn that lesson. Life is brutal out there and you shouldn't rely on others to bail you out all the time. Even if you get all the help in the world, in the end it, you are still the one who has to face up to it and deal with it.

Right now, I've spoken to a people who know and read a lot of articles about something that I am working on but having a lot of difficulty. With all that I have gathered, it's now up to me to move. I am a little hesitant, but I don't want my fears to rule over me. Whether I did right or wrong, what is important is that I did my best and I did it by myself.

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