Monday, August 24, 2009

More To It Than Money: You Move Me By Rick Ashley

The thing I remember most about the 80's mentality was this "get rich quick" mindset where everyone at the time had their minds set on hitting it big at the shortest possible time. A lot of people did all that they could to achieve this goal, going as far as running with the Joneses even if they can't run that far. While some succeed and some don't, the competition to get to the top was indeed cut-throat were nothing else mattered but getting what one wanted. Sometimes one would wonder if it was all worth it. When I think about those crazy times and that kind of mentality, I remember the song "You Move Me" by Rick Ashley.

This song was a soundtrack from the movie "Cocktails" starring Tom Cruise as bartender who had ambitions to make it big by ingraining himself with people in high society. He starts to question that goal when falls hard for a girl he met at the Carribean and chases after her. In the end, he realizes what's really important in life and settles down with a small bar that he opens with the help of his uncle. The moral of the story is that there more important things to life than just money. I guess that's why I never bought into that way of thinking.

These days, people are trying to make to the top not because they want to be in the "in-crowd" but because they do what they can to stay afloat. With the economic downturn still pretty much affecting the economy, staying to simple routines isn't enough to survive during these tough times. They say things are starting turn around and recovery is just around the corner. I'll believe that when I see it. Be that as it may, I still don't by the "getting rich quick" mentality because there's more to it than meets the eye and there are more important things than just money(even if I myself am financially desperate at the moment).

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