Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Perfect For Either Valentine Or Summer: My Cheri Amour By Stevie Wonder

Well as the month of hearts makes its final, the summer heat is starting to make its presence known. One thing that the Valentines and Summer season have in common is that it's the best time to spend with that special someone. Just pick a right place and the right person to spend it with. Also, make sure you have the right choice of music (preferably a 24K song). One such song that I would pick would be " My Cheri Amour" by Stevie Wonder.

As I've said before, I'm not a sun person and it's been a while since I've done anything concerning matters of the heart. Still, I consider this a very good song for these occasions. Relaxing in the hot summer sun with a drink in your hand while listening to this song is pretty cool. It gets better when you're with that special someone. That's a combination that can't be beat.

Well I wouldn't if everybody's starting to make plans right now for the summer. Unfortunately for us, it's going to be very busy time and a crucial time at that. That's why we are working our butts right now to ensure that things still go smoothly. Still once, it's over, I wouldn't be surprised that my officemates would break out like horses from stable. The summer's now upon us so let's get it on.

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