Saturday, March 27, 2010

It Was So Hard But It Had To Be Done: Time For Letting Go By Jude Cole

Today was the blackest day of my life because I said my last goodbye to my father after me and my family laid him to rest. After suffering an accident which left him with a terrible head injury, the entire family was hoping that he would pull through despite the seriousness of his condition. Alas, he expired on Wednesday at 5:00 in the afternoon. I thought the world fell apart as we tearfully said our goodbyes to our dearly beloved dad. It was so painful for us to see him go but it was for the best. The pain of losing my father and difficulty of accepting this reality reminds me of the song "Time For Letting Go" by Jude Cole.

I remember receiving the frantic call that made me rush back to the house as well as the long hours of waiting while the doctors and my brother did all that they could for him. When my brother told me he was fading fast, my knees buckled, yet despite the despair and shock, I battled through traffic to be by his side where my grief took hold of me as I sobbed and pleaded for him to wake up. Friends, relatives and business associates came and paid their respects to my father during his wake and my brother gave an eloquent eulogy which drove us to tears. As we finally laid him to rest this afternoon, I still could not believe that he's gone. At the back of my head, I felt that it was unfair because I have never seen him so happy and everything was looking good not only for him but for the entire family as well.

The best way for me to honor his memory is to carry on what he left behind. I promised him that I would look after our mother and I intend to fulfill that vow. I will remember him as a man of principle who always finished what he started and spoke his mind no matter who got offended. He taught me the value of discipline and fulfilling one's obligation. I know he's up there with my grand father playing golf and having grand time which he earned after all his hard work.

Goodbye Dad and may God keep you.

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