You know I still find incredible that some people have that ability to get others under their control. The really good one's need only to say the right words and everything starts to get going. Before we know it, we're already under their spell and everything that they say is sacred and to contradict it is sacrilege. When it gets to the point that we endanger ourselves and others in the process, that's when we have to stop and ask ourselves where these people are leading us to? That's what my thoughts are when I hear the song "Magic" by The Cars.
The problem with people where I come from is that they are really living in hard times. As a result, they are desperate to find that so-called "King Arthur" who would establish Camelot and wish all the bad things away. The sweet promises and the identification that this guy was one of us and managed to crawl out of the abyss, makes a lot of people ready to support and follow that guy because of all the yarn that he weaves which is music their desperate ears. A lot of times, however, when that guy gets what he wants, those promises disappear like a mirage in the desert. So once again, people are left with nothing and are in a worse state than they were in before that guy came along.
Be very careful about people like this. Sometimes even if you do a background check, there's always something that they hide from everyone else. Also, don't let your desperation blind you to other choices. It's easy to come with grand promises. Keeping those promises is something different so don't get easily swayed.
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