Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Feel Good Song That Just Goes Ooh All The Way: Ooh-Ooh Song By Pat Benatar

I know I keep repeating myself but whether it's hearing a rare good song or remembering the good old days, a 24K song always lifts me up no matter who tired I am. I'd rather listen to a couple of good classic tunes than popped some pill into my mouth. You can say that it gives me a natural high and I get my inspiration from the airwaves. One feel good that I like is the "Ooh-Ooh Song" by Pat Benatar.

What better place to set the video of this song than in an amusement park where everyone's having a good time. It gets better when the band starts to play and Pat starts to sing. It doesn't matter that for the most part of the song, she just sings "ooh-ooh". The fact is the people are drawn to the song and they feel good about it. What more can you ask?

Like Elias said in Platoon that "Feeling Good Is Good Enough" can be said for this song as well. You can tell from the faces of the bystanders in the video. Heck even if you just listen to this song on the radio, it's enough to make you feel good. I wish there were more songs like this today because we could sure use them. You can "ooh-ooh" all the way home.

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