Monday, December 17, 2012

When You Don't Want To Talk About It: I Don't Wanna Talk About It By Rod Stewart

You'll a person's not in mood for talk when he or she emits some kind of dark aura around you.  It comes off like smoke from ice.  Apart from that, there's that expression in their faces that tells you they're not in the mood to be bothered with.  Times like that, the best thing to do is to just give them some space.  That's the feeling I get when I listen to the song "I Don't Wanna Talk About It" by Rod Stewart.

I know this is a song but wanting to be alone after being disappointed can happen in any situation.  You feel your chest is heavy and everything stops as if someone casts a bad spell on you. It gets so bad that  people around you feel it as well.  It doesn't help that there are some nosy jerks who they know what you need but in reality, they don't.  All they do is make you feel worse and you shut yourself up even more.

Well in the end, you just gotta chill a bit.  Get some space and let it all out.  It will take a while but there's no to be stuck there.  Just give yourself some time and it will pass.  When it does breathe the fresh air again and move on.

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