Monday, December 10, 2012

It Sucks That it's Off The Air: Goodbye By The Sundays

a  taken off the air.  They told me that the station was again making some changes.  My heart really sank when I heard the news. It was one of the few things that brightened things up for me during these tough times and now they're taking that away from me.  Hearing go off the air once again reminds me of the song "Goodbye" by The Sundays.

Man, even though my brothers tell to just download and save the songs that I like, it's different when you hear it on air.  You get to share it with everyone and they realize how good those song are, they too would also want to hear it again and again.  The fact that that shows has largest collection of old and rare hits is another reason why I listen to it every weekend.  Most of important of all, they reflect the memories of good times that I had when I was growing up.  I never tire of listening to them for they take me back in time and the past comes alive.

Well I guess I won't be charging my MP4 player for a while and my cellphone's battery need not be drained during Saturdays as the program that I love goes off the air yet again.  Still a program that good won't stay off the air for long.  I am crossing my fingers and will patiently wait for its return.  For now I again say goodbye to an old friend that has made me feel good all these years.

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