Tuesday, December 18, 2012

When The Morning's Still Dark: Captain For Dark Mornings By Laura Nyro

Every week day, I wake up really early in the morning.  It's become a habit of mine for quite sometime because ever since I was in high school.  I just love watching the change from night to day.  At the same time, it gives me a chance to clear some cob webs from my brain and at the same time, One good song to listen to at this time is "Captain For Dark Mornings" by Laura Nyro.

I feel a little drowsy and I know I should sleep a little bit more but sometimes there are too many things that run into my head the moment I wake up.  So I don't go back to bed for it's the only time apart from the evening that I can still enjoy some peace and quiet.  I savor the silence as bests as I can as surf the net or do some exercises.  As much as possible I get everything done before the sun starts to rise.  Yet as I do so, I try to relax so as to stay calm and be ready to face the day.

When the sun is on the rise so am I.  I shut everything off and make my way yo work.  Sadly whatever peace I enjoyed will vanish once I get my first heart attack for the day.  Well I do what I can till the day is over and I make my way home.  I close my eyes and wait for the dark morning to come.

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