Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Game Of Ask And Wait: Pilot Of The Airwaves By

Every weekend, I make sure that my MP3 player is fully charge and that I wake up as early as I can. The reason: It's 24K Weekend! It's only on this period that all the old and rare songs in past come alive on the airwaves as fans which includes myself keep their ears glued to the radio. We wait in anticipation for our songs or call and text the DJs for what we want to hear and hope for it to played. The song "Pilot Of The Airwaves" by Charlie Dore sums up this weekend ritual for us 24K fanatics.

I'm pretty sure I'm not alone out there as I anticipate the weekend where past comes alive thanks to these classic and rare hits. Apart from radios and MP3s and 4s ready, we either scramble for the phone or make sure our cellphones are loaded with text credits so we can ask for our favorite songs. Once we get our request through, we keep ours on the radio and wait for the song to be played. When we to hear it from beginning to end, we jump for joy and ask for the next song as fast as we can. When the next comes by, we do it all over again.

Why do we do this? The answer is because many were heard only on RT when we growing up and many of them are part of the best times of our lives. It's different when you play them on the air because you feel that the song is out there and the fact that is not in your collection, makes you want to hear all the more. More importantly, you share them with today's generation just to see how great these tunes were. In the end, I leave it all to the dj and hope that he or she will play my request. It's a ritual that I'll on the weekend because only 24K can past come to life again.

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