Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Wish On Christmas Morning: Christmas Morning By The Eraserheads

I can't believe that in a few more days it soon be Christmas. Right now there are parties that are happening left and right. As people toast and cheer, the celebration is now on full swing for the whole month. Still, the most important party is of course that which is spent with family. Even the food is simple and the presents are cheap, so long as everybody's there to celebrate only then can it truly be Christmas. When I hear the song "Christmas Morning" by The Eraserheads, I know I am not alone in hoping that everyone will be there on that most sacred time of the year.

I got the call from my mother this afternoon about what plans are in store for us next week. Despite assurances, I will not be at peace until everybody is there. As I've said before, the last two years have been an emotional roller coaster which just went full throttle this year. A lot of bad mistakes gave rise to bad blood which really caused a lot of damage to the "bond". I just hope that on Christmas Day there would be a truce or a halt to all this because the last one wasn't very good and I've been praying that this year would be different.

I am willing to keep the peace if it would mean that everyone is there. I know grudges are hard to let go but for that day, let's take a break. These days I remember the past Christmases that we use to have and I want that back. If the army and the rebels can call a truce on the holidays, so can families. Despite all that's been said and done, family is still important on Christmas morning.

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