Sunday, March 10, 2013

When The Dream Dies: Foreclosure Of A Dream By Megadeath

Back when I was a teenager, people use to tell how good life was.  Prices were low and it was easy to live on your salary.  You work hard and you could reap the fruits of your labor.  These days, it's a different story.  Things are so hard up just having the simple dream of the house, the car and the family has become unattainable.  When I think about hard things are now and how even the simple dream takes a huge effort, the song "Foreclosure Of A Dream" by Megadeath comes to mind.

Every time I read the news, I hear stories of people losing jobs, houses and even their families.  No one is safe as simple laborers to even top CEOs are now in the unemployment lines.  The worst part is when they have to sell the homes that they worked so hard to build.  What's even worse is that what they sell it for might not even meet their needs.  Hard times are getting harder.

Nowadays I hear the economy is doing well and the government claims that there jobs available.  The problems is that whatever gains are made from the economy, it doesn't reach the ones who need it most.  As for jobs, there are jobs out there but they don't fit the qualifications of the applicants and competition is stiff since they are only interested in hiring younger applicants.  Despite all these, I still believe that you can still achieve the dream.  Sadly, it's going to be difficult and that's no understatement.

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