Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy Thoughts: Fantasy By Earth, Wind And Fire

When you're down and stressed out, what adds insult to injury is that you don't have the time nor the money to find any relief.  What happens it sure can be a real downer.  Well, in times like that I just do the next best thing and think happy thoughts.  Find that safe little corner in my mind where I can relax and take shelter from the harshness of everyday life.  One song that does that is Earth, Wind And Fire's "Fantasy".

All I need is to slap on my earphones and turn up a 24K song.  This one will very nicely when the stress starts pouring out.  Takes me out of the ugliness like an-out-of -body experience as I close my eyes.  There the good times come alive again.  All the buds are there and the partying comes alive again.  It may not be real but it's the next best thing.

I do hope when all the problems are resolved, I get to go out more. A lot of people are telling me that I've been stressing myself out too much.  Well I do plan to do that when things get better for now.  For now, this will do.  A few happy thoughts to chase the blues away.

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