I remember an episode from the television show "James At 15" where he befriends a rich but wild teenager who does a lot of outrageous antics. James further gets attracted to the guy after he gives him gifts that were fancy and extravagant. James' opinion of the guy changes, however, when they go to New York where the guy's actions land James in jail. That's where he realizes that this guy just used him and would just dump when the going got tough. When it comes to people who turn your world on its head, the song "Freedom Rider" by Traffic comes to mind.
Why do I we find such people appealing? I guess it's because they take us to places we couldn't go and we get to do things that we couldn't. The problem is that these guys fill us with so much vices that before we know it, things spin out of control. In the end, they ditch us in the middle of the road all messed up and in deep trouble. That's where we realize too late that they were just using us and when good times are over so are we.
I'm not saying that I'm against having a good time. However, there's a difference between that and losing your head and everything else to someone you don't know. You really have to know when to hit the breaks and call it quits and you have to be careful about such people because in the end they might just use you since you're so eager. In the end, these people aren't your friends. They just turn your world upside down and leave you in a messy heap.
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