Monday, March 4, 2013

How Would I Justify Myself: In My Defense By Queen

Sometimes I wonder how do I summarize myself and the things that I did at the end of my life.   The fact that things have not been going well and that I'm getting older are making me start to wonder about it.  Though I have been trying hard year after year, I've haven't had much success.  As a result, I get a lot of flack for that from time to time.  How I justify myself for the things that I do reminds me of the song "In My Defense" By Freddie Mercury.

So why do I do things that I do?  I guess I wanted to make my own choices and spread my wings.  I wanted to do the things that I want for once.  Unfortunately there were times that I gave into criticism.  Because of that I am where I'm at.  Still some things that I gave up or didn't was because there were people who needed me and now I am making with what I have left.

What keeps me going is the hope that one day some of things that I can still achieve would come true.  I just want to do them my way because sometimes people can put so much pressure on you that you feel suffocated.  I may succeed or I may fail but what is important is that I did on my own free will and it was something that I wanted to do.  That's the best defense I can give on my behalf.

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