Monday, October 22, 2012

Remembering My Teaching Days: To Sir With Love By Lulu

I remember when I watched a classic film called "To Sir With Love".  It starred Sydney Potier as a black school teacher who taught at an English school in the early 1960's.  During the course of the film, he struggled to get accepted by the white students eventually winning them over and inspiring them to do good things with their lives.  I remember a few week ago, we celebrated "Teacher's Day" which recognizes the contributions teachers have given us through the years.  That's why I am using the movie soundtrack that was sung by Lulu.

For some reason, I remember the days I became a teacher.  I can tell you it wasn't easy as I tried to gain acceptance from the students as well stand my ground when classes started. There were students who helped and those who challenged me.  Some were brash while others were shy.  Despite the way they always turned me upside down, I did come to accept them for who they were and in some degree we were able to find some common ground.  It was a crazy time but they made it worth it.

I'm not going to say that I was a good teacher as I later switched back to government service.  Still, not a day goes by when I don't think of those zany kids who now grown up and some even have families of their own.  Just got a text from one of them asking me how I'm doing.  I'll be texting  him later telling him I'm getting by.   It was great time that I will always carry with me for as long as I live.

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