Friday, January 22, 2010

When You Hanged Around With Your Friends And Talked About Anything Under The Sun: Me And Julio Down At The School Yard By Paul Simon

When I was a kid, my pleasures were simple and that just hanging around with my friends. listening to some cool music (24K sounds of course) and talked about anything under the sun. Whether it was some experience, a new a hangout, a joke or simply anything under the sun, We always had something to talk about. The best part about it is that we all had a good time while doing it. As simple as it was, it was always great just being with them. Remembering those times when you just slacked-off and shared good conversation reminds me of the song "Me And Julio Down At The School Yard" by Paul Simon.

Back then, we often met either in the morning or at lunch time. We couldn't meet at recess because I had to fight my way into the cafeteria to buy a cheap hamburger before the bell rang. You can say that the benefits of such a lazy activity is that you could be yourself with good people you could trust. More importantly, if there was something you needed to talk about to get it off your chest, they were there for you. Not only do they chase the blues off but you get good advice free of charge and there's no way you can beat that.

I'm glad to see even at this age of Ipods, internet, High-tech games, nothing still beats that good gathering of friends and brothers just to hang out and talk. When your lucky, something will come out and out of nowhere you have a small party in your hands. Those were the days that I fondly remember. Whether its the schoolyard or any other place, so long as they were there, the day was all right. All it takes is a little imagination to get things going.

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