Saturday, January 23, 2010

Another Rare Find/Girl Friday Song: My Baby By Cold Chisel

Every weekend, my ears are plugged on Rt's 24K program as it takes me back to the good old days of my youth. Apart from the cat-and-mouse game of waiting for my favorite songs, I'm on the hunt for hits that have long been forgotten, hoping for slight possibility that the DJ will play it out of the blue. Sometimes I get lucky and as they start playing it, time starts to stop. The rare songs always do that to me. One song that I finally found and hopes that Rt will play is Cold Chisel's "My Baby".

I have to thank both Jeremiah Jr. and Joshua because the Jr. found out the song's name and the band who played while Joshua used to play it from time to time but recently this song went M.I.A. on 24K for some time now. Anyway, I dedicate this song to all those girl buddies who are always there for us whenever we need them. We guys always have their backs and they come through for us and should always be grateful for that. Apart from that, this song is another rare find that makes me feel good whenever I hear it. Only a 24K song has that kind of magic.

Like all my other 24K hits, I can't get enough of this song and when it plays, I just wanna stop what I'm doing. The reason for that is because this song is so cool! Apart from that, I get remember all the girl buddies who really helped me out in the past. This song for and I wish you gals well. I do so hope that 24K plays this song again because this is another song that used to be heard only during this program and it makes me feel good. Enough said.

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