Saturday, January 16, 2010

Nobody Likes Being The Fool: Everybody Plays The Fool By Aaron Neville

You know that saying "every dog has his day"? It usually means that there are times when you do things or get into situations that make you look foolish. It's either you get too emotional or fell victim to someone's charmed words. One thing's for sure, in the end, you get duped. When it comes to days like that, I remember Aaron Neville's song "Everybody Plays The Fool".

I know this song is about being heart-broken after being rejected but there are more ways where people find themselves feeling like a fool. When you give your all and nothing comes about or worse when you try helping others and wind taking the fall are situations where you become the duped. It really tears you up inside when that happens. It gets worse when the person who hurt you is someone you really trusted. I've been there one too many times and you never get used to it.

They also that there will be days like this and it'll come when you least expect it. These days, I try to learn from what I have experienced. That way I can remember where I went wrong and try to avoid those darn pitfalls. I guess I'm a little too soft sometimes which is why I often find myself feeling this way. Oh well, there are times you wind up playing the fool.

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