Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hidden Secrets: Skeletons By Stevie Wonder

Back then, you think everything was picture perfect. People appear to be wholesome, upstanding citizens and you would trust them with your lives and even that of your family. What goes on inside their homes is a different story. Some may be doing that may either be out of their character at best or some very frightening at worst. How they appear in society may be a front for something dark that they're hiding. That's a lesson I learned from Stevie Wonder's song "Skeleton".

I have to admit I've watching too many HBO series because it always has characters who are not what they seemed to be. It's not that I'm paranoid or too quick to judge but sometimes when seem too perfect about somebody, there must something behind it. A lot of times, these people seem to be everybody's pal but for some reason, they always put a fence around them. It's like there's something inside them that they don't want you to know. If gets out, it could lead to their ruin.

I'm saying that we should poke around on other people's affairs. Still, we better be careful as to who we associate with. One's for sure and that's people are not all that they appear to be. The more the secrets, the more pleasant the disguise. If I was ask which scared me the most: a bandit with multiple weapons blazing or a geek with a hidden, I'd be more afraid of the latter. You'd never know when he'd whip that blade out and use it on you.

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