Thursday, May 21, 2009

Advice To Those Making Their First Step To The World: The Day I Tried To Live By Sound Garden

As the summer slowly draws to a close, no doubt a lot of fresh college graduates are now starting to make their foray into the real world. A lot of them have high hopes or are dead set on what they want to do and what they want to be. That comes crashing down when they realize in the real world, things don't turn out the way that they had hoped, let alone planned. While some will be lucky to achieve their goals, others will be lucky to find some kind of work and their those who will sea their dreams crumble to dust. That first foray to reality is always so crucial. That's one hard lesson that I and others like me learned and the song "The Day I Tried To Live" by Soundgarden is bitter reminder of that lesson.

Dreaming of becoming somebody is one thing but making it real is a different and difficult. The first hard lesson is that people (including your love ones) will talk you out of your dreams and some will even make fun of them. Another is that competition is fierce. Your age, your academic record, your skills and abilities and even your character can make or break your dreams. This is where your resolve is put to the test. I made alot of mistakes concerning all of the above and as a result, I try to make do with what I have left because I'm at that point where time is now passing me by. I made a lot of mistakes and the next doesn't repeat them.

Preparing for the future should always be taken seriously. The new batch should what they need to do to make their dreams and ambitions come true. As I've said earlier, I made a lot of mistakes that left wallowing in the mud like all the other pigs. I just hope what I'm working on now will do the trick. May this time around, I might make it and I hope you grads do as well.

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