I remember back in 1980, Neil Diamond starred in a remake of the movie "The Jazz Singer" where Neil Diamond starred in the title role. Though it received negative reviews from critics, it did get nominated for several awards especially the sound track of the film. There was one song from the movie that I won't forget because it always cracks me up with laughter every time I see it. It was one of those scenes that always stuck with me to this day. The song being played in that segment was "You Baby".
If I remember right, this song was played during the early part of the film where he was approached by his African-American friends who needed his help. They needed him to sing with them in a club where these guys had a gig but it only allowed African-Americans in the club. They solved this problem by giving him a make-up job and an Afro-wig so that the audience won't notice. They played at the club and soon the audiences were dancing to the song. Everything was going all right until Neil's character raised his hand exposing his white skin and as a result, a riot broke lose and his father had to bail him out of jail.
Man, when I keep seeing that scene I really laugh out loud. I guess it's because he already had the crowd fooled and they were already moving to the beat. I guess music does that when you get swept away by it. It's too bad that someone had to expose him and spoil all the fun. Well, it was good song though as well as a hilarious scene. It still cracks me up and gets me laughing to this day.
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