Friday, March 30, 2012

When Women Are Like Angels; Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel By Tavares

Anyone remember the movie "Charlie's Angels"? Man, those girls sure can kick butt and yet they can be so demure. One thing's for sure though, they really make guys turn heads. Just by their looks alone, we get paralyzed cause when we gaze upon them, we see something immaculate. When it comes to women who are that good, the song "Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel" by Tavares comes to mind.

What makes you compare a woman to an angel? It's when they got you at first sight and you melt like putty in their hands. Be that as it may, you don't mind because for some reason when you're with her, you literally feel that you're in heaven. They brighten up your day just be being there. if that isn't an angel, I don't know what is. If women treat their men that way, heaven's definitely missing an angel. And the guys who win them are definitely lucky indeed. It's better than winning a lottery. They're really heaven sent and sadly, only a chosen few enjoy their company. Makes you wonder what heaven is like.

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