Monday, March 26, 2012

Still Getting By: I Will Survive By Gloria Gaynor

With all the hard luck I've been having, I don't want to bow down to the pressure. Last week something happened that added another notch to my woes because it was crucial to what I was working on. It really got me upset because with all the pressure from the house, this was the last thing I needed. Still, though fate plays cruel tricks on me, I won't let this get me down cause on trying till I accomplish what I set out to do. That resolve not to bow down to despair and being for still being in the mix reminds of the song "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor.

Sure this was disco song but I have to admit it sends a positive message to keep trying even when the chips are down. When it comes to falling chips, I had my fair share of it. It always happens when I need it the most and when it does it ticks me off as if someone is playing a sick joke on me. As angry as I am when this happens, I will not give the powers-that-be the satisfaction of wallowing in despair. Even if I am reeling from the hurt, I'll get up and try again.

Life has a way of pulling the floor under our feet during crucial times. For me, every time that happens, I feel like I'm being tested if I'm going to just curl up into ball or get back up. Like I said earlier, I'll get up and I'll keep on fighting. This isn't the first time that this happen and I know it won't be the last. A lot of bad things have happened to me before I'm still here and I guess that's proof that I have survived.

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