Sunday, March 18, 2012

Watching War And Actually Fighting In One: The Trooper By Iron Maiden

When I was young, I use to watch a lot of war films on television. Whether it was sword of and shield or rifle and bayonet, we were totally glued to the screen. There were times when we would play war right after watching the movie. Of course now that we are older, we realize that there is a big difference between playing war and actually fighting in one. This is why I am going to use the song "The Trooper" by Iron Maiden for this post.

It looks so simple and so heroic back then that we thought going off to war was all about prestige. Yet after watching documentaries and reading interviews from veterans, I realize that war is more gruesome and leaves both victor and vanquish scarred both physically and emotionally. Sadly, there are some battles that need to be fought. It's like surgery that can be very messy but has to be done since preventive measures were not taken that could've avoided this situation.

I still like war but I realize that the real is a heck of a lot worse and that's an understatement. I guess that's why I hold a deep respect to a lot of people who are now on the frontlines. For them to face the madness day in and day out says a lot about what they go through. Once you get hit, it's all over and that's not what happens when you play. That's why I don't criticize those who fight because no matter how we know, we don't.

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