Sunday, March 25, 2012

Obsession: If You See Kay By April Wine

As I've said before, if men are lady killers, then women are man eaters. Like their male counterparts, when they worked their magic you, you're hooked. Once you're hooked, they take possession of you from your mind down to your heart. When you start thinking about them every hour and minute of the day, you know you're obssessed with them. That kind of obsession reminds me of the song "If You See Kay" by April Wine.

Sometimes, it happens in a flash and other times, it happens slowly but surely. Either way, you'll be dancing on the strings that they put on you. You don't care about anything anymore and the next thing you know, you're she's the only that's inside your head. Then comes the part where they drain you of all that you have and worse all that you are. When it's over, you're left somewhere at the side of the road all wasted and used up like empty soda can.

I guess that's why I try to be very careful when it comes to relationships. It's not that I'm a coward but these a lot of men and even women look out themselves in the most vicious way. A friend of mine went through that and he almost lost everything including himself and fortunately, he got himself together before losing it all. That's why I'd be very careful with such vain creatures. It's obsession I could definitely do without.

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