Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm Trying Hard To Be Strong: How Long Can A Man Be Strong By Jeff Healy

If there's one thing that every man or even every woman wants to aspire to is to be strong. The stronger you are, the more obstacles and trials you will overcome. The problem is that once you overcome one trial, a more complex and troublesome one will appear. As hard as you try to be strong, it gets to a point where you find your back against the wall as your mental and emotional fortitude are put to the test. Even if you do come out on top, it still scars you deeply to the point of breaking down. Wondering what it takes to be strong reminds of Jeff Healy's song "How Long Can Man Be Strong".

Hard times are here and they are really bearing me down. I keep hearing my father's voice about being able to be strong cause times are going be tough and boy he was right. Right now I wish that everything that I'm working on would start to show results because if not, I'll be force to do things that will really take some mental and emotional toll on me. I'm the best that I can so that things can back to the way they were when times were good. I'm tired of helplessly watching things fall apart and I want to do something about it in my own way.

I know I'm not alone in this because my brothers are helping in this situation as well. If I'm having a hard time, they got it even harder because they got families to support. All the more the reason why I'm trying to be strong because I want to help them as well. I don't how long I can be strong but I know I must if I want to succeed. It's not just for me, but for them as well.

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