Saturday, August 21, 2010

Time To Call It A Day But Still Not Satisfied: Closing Time By Semisonic

I remember how I use to stop by a bar after work, to unwind after a hard day. Nothing fancy, just a couple of brews to relax and reflect by. Sometimes I stay until the bartender tells me it’s time to close shop and reluctantly, I’m on my way home. Still, at least I was able to relax a bit but I wish something else would happen. Wanting to stay further but can’t reminds me of the song “Closing Time” by Semisonic.

During my younger days, whether it was the end of class or work, you can bet that we’d head off to our favorite hang out to wind and have some fun. There are times when you wish that something else would happen. Something that you just give you a something new and inspiring for a change rather just go home and heading for a hurl at the toilet. Alas, I still haven’t found it yet.

I guest it’s because of the lack of closure in my life is the reason why I am reluctant to go home. Like everyone else, maybe there’s some that I want to happen but just have the trouble of making it so. Will I ever find it and if I do, will I be satisfied? I guess it’ll take a while. I guess that’s we’re all reluctant to leave when it’s closing time because we still want some to happen.

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