Monday, August 30, 2010

I Wish This Was Possible: Down So Long By Sting

Just when I thought things were about to lighten up, bad thing started happening again. Apart from doing my best to cope with the everyday craziness that’s been happening here, I get more bad news. Not only is it bad, it really breaks my heart cause I’m already stressed out emotionally, mentally and physically. It’s so frustrating because I’m starting to feel that no matter how I try to dig myself out of this hole, the more I get pushed back to the bottom. How I wish that I could just take all the crap and throw it away like that's been plaguing my life. The wish for some relief while wallowing down in the blues reminds me of the song "Been Down So Long" by Sting.

This is one of those songs you want to listen when things get too much and you just want to drown your miseries in hooch or any other just to chase the blues. Another thing I about this song is that apart from having a good combination of jazz and blues, it really expresses the frustration that one feels when there's just to much to bear. Every time I hear this song, I'm either half-way through a case of brews; taking comfort down south or having a walk with Johnnie with a big fat stoogie in my mouth. Even if I get a huge headache and have to face the crap again, sometimes you really a break to drown your frustrations. That just goes to show I feel when this song is playing.

How I wish that were possible. To just taking every problems and throw them out the window like the crap that it is. Sadly, it's never that easy and wishing to throw them away is just wishful thinking. I guess that means we have take the situation head on and wrestle with it until it's solve. If it were possible then I'd rush to the sea throw and throw it all out myself.

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