Thursday, June 10, 2010

On Another Road Trip Again: But Anyways By Blues Traveler

It's already evident that summer is over. Even though it's hot outside, the dark clouds start to form in the afternoon. By the time the sun starts to set, the rain starts to pour. Still, tomorrow I'll be going on a seminar with my office mates which will be also give us time off. After all the work that we all put in, it's an education and a break as well. Thinking about hitting the road again reminds me of the song "But Anyways" by Blues Traveler.

This wasn't exactly the summer that I had hoped for. With my father's passing, I almost thought that things were going to fall apart. It was hard for all of us and we're still coping with it. On top of that, there was the hectic election campaign and which wore us out at the office. My co-workers were really bone-tired from all the preparation, campaigning and monitoring that took up most of the summer. Now that it's over, a break is long overdue.

Right now, I'm packing my things and getting ready for tomorrow's trip. I hope nothing bad happens. We already have a lot on our minds but we just don't show it. I might miss a day of blogging but I'll be back soon. Till then, keep reading and thank you for your support as I head on down the road again.

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