Whether you are attracted to a person or you want to help them out, there are times people are given a phone number to call when they feel stressed. A lot of times, the one who gives really hopes that the person he or she gives it to will pick and call. Whether the person who gives it to is is sincere or not, the main goal is that the person picks up the phone and calls. It's up to the other person to make the next move when that happens. Situations like these remind me of the song "Rikki Don't Loose That Number" by Steely Dan.
Usually there are people there who are attracted to others and use their moment of weakness by giving them their phone number in the hopes that they will call them. On the other hand is usually those wellness groups who want to attract more members target those who those who are down and out. Either way, I really hope that their intentions are sincere. A lot of bad things can happen when opportunist give their phone numbers and take advantage of someone. That's the reason why I'm a little wary of accepting phone numbers from strangers.
I'm very careful when it comes to these kinds of situations. If it is about opportunity, I would do a thorough background check before I call. I'd rather err on the side of caution. If these people are legit and if they're intentions are genuine, I'll consider giving them a call. It's still an opportunity if it's on the up and up.
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