Monday, June 14, 2010

Just Imagine And Hope: We Close Our Eyes By Oingo Boingo

Last night, I took my time before going to bed as I was trying to sort things that have been bothering me lately. It was the weekend and there was no work the following day so I decided to spend a few more hours to relax. I guess it's because I haven't made any progress in generating traffic or getting more clicks on my blog's ads. I take what I write there seriously and although I primarily started that blog to share my thoughts and preserve rare songs that I liked listening to, I also need to generate some income to help around here and it's stressing me out. Right now I try to remain calm and relax even as the pressure builds and one song that gives me reassurance is Oingo Boingo's "We Close Our Eyes".

You know time waits for nobody and right now it's no longer a luxury for me. Sometimes I need to remain calm and think things out. I try shut things out by closing my eyes to figure out how to deal with it and more importantly implement what I figure out. Sometimes it makes some headway but other times it doesn't. I've spending hours trying to figure out how to get more traffic and have been testing each suggestion that comes my way to see if it is applicable to my predicament. Yeah I know it's a love song but it still lightens me up whenever my problems start to stress me out.

Lately, I been reading more articles on getting more traffic. I also should thank John Marine for that blogpost he made about blogging and I will try to implement those suggestions as well. I still have a lot to do but I know I have to do it with a clear mind for things to start working. It's not going to be easy but everything starts with a single step. I just to close my eyes and then let go of all my fears as I start with it.

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