Friday, February 13, 2009

What About It: What About Love By Heart

A lot of times, people ask me why is it that I thought about getting married. As I have blogged before, right now it's not a priority for me even if I am getting older. Right now I've got a lot of things that I want to achieve as well as a lot of issues that I need to resolve. Love like that will only do me more harm than good. That's what I think whenever I hear the song "What About Love" by Heart.

I know we should never take love for granted when it comes our way. It never left my mind that a lot of people would die or even kill for that kind of love where two are joined as one. The question is if you are ready to take such a step to the next level or just the good times cause if it is the latter, you're in for a lot of trouble. Right now, there are still a lot of things that I want to pursue while I still can and the last thing that I want right now is to be tied down. When you want that kind of love, it's the type that demands all of you and quite frankly, I'm not up for that kind of commitment.

Despite my reasons, I still believe that love is important to anyone of us. It just depends on what kind of love do we want. For me, so long as I have my friends and family, that's all the love that I need. Love that supports you through thick and thin is good enough for me. So long as I have that, I can get by. Even if I miss my chance, it doesn't matter; then again only time can tell what love has in store for us in the future.

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