Thursday, November 6, 2008

Harbringer Song: Red Rain

Not a day goes by that I dread a coming of the bad times. As I've said before, just because I've been through the rain, that doesn't mean I want to get wet again. Bad part about getting caught in the rain is when you feel chilled to the bone and all the complications that go with getting wet set in. That period where you're huddled up with head feeling like it's in a pressure cooker still freaks me out. Whenever I think about getting caught in the rain and reeling from illness caused by I think of Peter Gabriel's "Red Rain".

Actually the rain is a metaphor for the bad times of my life which as I've mentioned in my past entries that comes cycles just like the weather. When the bad times come, it's like large drops of crimson rain from a cursed cloud. Even as you done rain gear and an umbrella, your sure to get soaked one way or another. Bad part of it is that there's no escape from it and shelter is no where to be found when you need it most. In the end, you just have to weather this storm of troubles and pray that the sun breaks out soon.

I've had a lot of storms where the red rain poured down on me. Many times I thought I would drown or convulsed from the fever of problems that came one after another. It was so hard to but for some reason, I came through. Be that as it may I try to be very watchful of any incoming storms and hopefully when it does come, I'll be ready. There's no escaping from problems that fall like rain so I guess I'll just meet head on.

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