Sunday, June 29, 2008

The World's A Stage: Limelight By Rush

The first time I heard about the band Rush was on a feature show on the defunct television station BBC Channel 2 on the program the news that rocked '81. The show featured the developments that occured in the rock scene during that year. Rush was among the bands that were featured there and it made quite an impression on me because the three-piece band proved that synthesized music can still rock. One of my favorite songs of that group came from their Moving Pictures album called "Limeight".

For me this song speaks about what role we play in this world that we live in. There are times when I find myself asking who am I or what's my purpose. At this point where my life's at the crossroads, those can be very hard questions, especially when things are not what you wanted them to be. I guess the limelight that there talking about here is that state of bliss that we're all looking for and despite what role we are given in life, we can achieve it if we just break out of the limitations of the "roles" assigned to us.

Right now, I'm still trying to get things together after a very bad period of my life. I've made the mistake of limiting myself to my "role", but be that as it may, I hope I can still turn things around and this song helps remind me that such a thing is possible. One more thing about like about this band is power of their song and the stories that their lyrics tell the listener. Everytime I listen to them, I feel like I'm blasting off at the speed of sound and it doesn't matter if I'm plastered or sober. Loved this band then, I still love it now.

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