Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Tribute To The Tillers Of The Soil: Rain On The Scarecrow By John Cougar Mellencamp

With the many problems troubling the our country, one that looms deeply in our minds in the dwindling food supply, particularly rice. Food shortage is not just a problem here but in every corner of the planet. Several parts of Africa, North Korea, the list gets longer. When food is plentiful, we often take for granted the people who worked the land to make sure that there's food for people to eat: Farmers.
In today's world of growing obsession for material satisfaction, we often forget these guys are probably the one's work hard for our consumption and sometimes some them wind up losing their lands when harvests can't for the land which is tragic. Nobody describes the farmer's hardships in hanging on to the land his forefather's worked than John Couger Mellencamp in his song "Rain On The Scarecrow".

I was in Third Year High School when this song came out and it was hit despite the prevalent trend of hip-hop, pop and new wave music. It describes the plight of farmers who are on the verge of losing their land and in the process their way of life. During that time FARMAID was launch to raise funds and awareness for the hardships that farmers face and it did a lot to help ease their predicament. What's scary of about it is that many don't know how much we owe this hardworking yeoman for their efforts in producing the most important basic need in society and their efforts are not even appreciated. To add insult to injury, many look at them as backward and clumsy which is not true at all.

Now as the problem of hunger is growing all over the world, I hope we realize how important these people really are. Many of them work hard and are often exploited which is really unfair. Due to the growing food shortage (which I hope will be remedied, I think about farmers here my country as well as others around the world and the sacrifice they give just to ensure that there will be a harvest would be sufficient for everyone. We should never take their efforts for granted and instead see to it that they are properly compensated for their efforts. They don't just lead simple lives; the food they produce feed lives and more importantly, saves lives.

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