Saturday, April 25, 2009

Be Careful Out There: Hot Child In The City By Nick Gilder

With vacation time up, it's no surprise that there are a lot of restless souls looking for action out there. Even with the sudden rain, kids are still determine to find some some gimicks to fill in the summer days. Unfortunately, some of them get into situations that's too much to handle. In some cases, what seems to be an adventure can be disastrous when people don't know what they're getting into. That's the impression I get when I hear the song "Hot Child In The City" by Nick Gilder.

This is one of my favorite songs that I listened to when I was growing up. Though I find a cool tune, it does remind of being careful whenever I go out of some excitement. It's not that I'm paranoid, but some people really don't know what they're getting into when they're all wound up and need some excitement. They think they can handle it, but when the crap hits the fan, that's when regret comes too late. You'll be lucky if you get out of it with just an "I told You So" lecture cause some really get it bad due to a wrong move out there.

I'm not one to be a kill-joy, but please be careful when you go out, especially at night where things can really go wrong. Some people think that they can flaunt it, but in reality, they're just asking for trouble. In some cases, it can really lead to terrible conseaquences which could affect everybody severely. It's okay to venture out and be adventurous, but remember to keep your guard up and cause a commotion. Trouble is easy to find so please for all of those guys with a lot of gimicks planned this summer: Please be careful out there.

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